Prominent ODM figures make it into Ruto government 


President William Ruto has appointed Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) key figures to his government.

Two of ODM party leader Raila Odinga’s deputies Hassan Ali  Joho  and Wycliffe Oparanya got a slot in the nominations as cabinet secretaries.

The Head of State nominated former Mombasa governor for the Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime ministry and Oparanya, who had served as Transport assistant minister during the coalition government under late Mwai Kibaki and who is also former Kakamega governor is nominated for  the Co-operative and Medium Enterprises ministry.

Minority Party leader at the National Assembly who doubles up as Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi has been nominated for the Energy and Petroleum docket.

President Ruto, in his second  batch of cabinet nominees has also nominated ODM National chairman John Mbadi to serve at the National Treasury ministry, a position which was previously held by Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u.

Ndung’u is the man behind the controversial Finance Bill 2024 which has sparked countrywide anti government protests.

The Head of State has nominated Rebecca Miano to the Tourism docket. She was in the first list of nominees as Attorney General.

Former Attorney General Justin Muturi makes a come back as nominee to the Public Service and Human Capital docket.

President Ruto who was flanked by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi re-appointed former Tourism cabinet secretary Alfred Mutua as nominee to the Labour and Social Protection  docket.

Stelia Soi Lang’at is the new face in the second batch to serve the government in the Gender and Heritage docket previously held by outspoken Aisha Jumwa Katana.

Former powerful Transport cabinet secretary Murkomen Kipchumbia is nominee for the sports docket.

Murkomen is expected to take over from Ababu Namwamba ahead of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 and resolve Football Kenya Federation (FKF)  pending AGM saga.

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