Religious Leaders Call for Dialogue Over Finance Bill Demos


The Organizing Secretary of the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) Sheikh Mohamed Khalifa has passionately appealed to the Generation Z and the Millennials to give dialogue time and urged them to stop the protests.

‎He said their message during their protests against the Finance Bill 2024 is loud and clear and has reached the ears of the relevant authorities.

“Lets us give President William Ruto a chance as he has got the protectors’ message on behalf of the electorate,” he pointed out.

Sheikh Khalifa has expressed fear that if more demonstrations are held it will ruin the country.

He was addressing the media at their office in Mvita constituency, Mombasa county.

The CIPK official said they regret that what was perceived to be peaceful demonstrations have turned out to be mayhem after goons hijacked the procession.

Sheikh Khalifa told the media what was witnessed last week was   destruction of property and stealing from innocent Kenyans.

He said some of the demands raised by the demonstrators cannot be immediately addressed but required time for the Head of State to tackle them.

“The Kenya Kwanza administration requires ample time to address the issue of massive corruption and ending of ethnicity in the country,” he disclosed.

The CIPK official asked the parents of both the Generation Z and the Millennials to urged their children to give the demonstrations a break and to embrace dialogue with the government.

Sheikh Khalifa called for calm and peace to give way to dialogue ahead of their demands.

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