Major Seii backtracks, says he supports BBI


By Mourice Seretta

A member of the Building Bridges Initiative taskforce committee who had earlier said that the report was doctored and some articles touching on the executive, legislature and the judiciary tampered with has retracted saying he now fully supports the report.

Major (Rtd) John Seii, who had said that the committee was kept in the dark until four days to its being handed over to President Uhuru Kenyatta at Kisii State Lodge weeks ago on Friday denied media reports that the team was forced to append signatures to the final draft.

Speaking during a consultative meeting of The Kenya National Council of Elders meeting at a Nairobi Hotel, Seii says the reports appearing on sections of the media indicating that he said the report was doctored are false adding that it is only that they were not consulted nor given a chance to read the final document which was handed over to President Kenyatta.

“The BBI document is good and we fully support it; the only problem is that we were not given a chance to read the final document,” he said.

However, at the consultative meeting, the National Council of Elders said that they are supporting the report, (BBI).

The Council’s Chairman Phares Rutere flanked by the Council’s Patron and Team Leader Captain Kung’u Muigai together with more than 20 other regional and Branch representatives including another BBI taskforce member who doubles up as the Abagusii Council of Elders James Matundura say that they also are in support of President Kenyatta’s government and support his aspirations and agenda of the country.

The elders appealed to all political players holding various positions on the BBI to conduct themselves peacefully and with decorum as they exercise their constitutional rights.

“We also recognize that in any democratic society like ours, there will always be different opinions and so the existing political situation in the country is no exception,” Rutere said.

Rutere also sought to remind Kenyans that the BBI report belongs to all Kenyans and it is their duty to read and understand it to enable them make informed decisions.

“The BBI report should not divide Kenyans along Ethnic, Religious, economic, political or in other way and in any case, it is just a debate,” Rutere said.

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