Azimio leaders perturbed by number of casualties of raging floods in the country


Azimio coalition leaders said they are perturbed by the increased number of casualties of the raging floods in the country.

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka said media reports indicate that there are over 238 people who have died, 300,000 households displaced and 75 people missing.

He added that 150 schools are directly affected by the floods with residential buildings having collapsed and others submerged.

Around 178 dams and reservoirhave burst their capacities and several people are at risk of contracting waterborne diseases,” he pointed out.

Kalonzo said its devastating and they are sincerely sending their symphathies to the families and communities affected.

He was speaking during media briefing on the raging floods and the endless doctors strike held in Nairobi county.

The Azimio principal reiterated they will continue to mobilize resources to help in the mitigation of some of those whose livelihoods have been adversely affected.

Kalonzo pointed out the country was warned about the El-Nino rains but regretted that the advice was unfortunately disregarded by the Kenya Kwanza administration.

He added that this was to an extent where Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua miscommunicated and contradicted the Head of State.

“Its now turning out that President William Ruto and his regime had misled the country on the ElNino,” he pointed out.

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