Basic Education is Every Child’s right says Kiboi


Sumaanet Kirgit Children’s Library and Resource Centre has on Friday launched a library to enhance primary school pupils’ reading culture.

Speaking during the event, Brenda Kabindio, president of the foundation thanked her family for supporting her vision and expressed her gratitude to all stakeholders in the journey to realize the long term dream.

“It’s with great honour that I appreciate the leaders who’ve also stood with me in this journey including our MP Fred Kapondi, Kakamega Book Club fraternity and all donors and volunteers,” commented Brenda.

Assistant County Commisioner Mt.Elgon Robinson Safari applauded the project noting that through a multisectoral approach education will be greatly improved in the region.

“The greatest challenge in Mt.Elgon is student retention in schools and we shall soon hold public barazas where opinion leaders,chiefs and assistant chiefs will be partisan to find a lasting solution to this,” reiterated Safari.

The Chief guest who’s also the nominated Chief Officer for Education in Bungoma County, Nicholas Kiboi vowed to support the initiative citing that it’ll nurture a strong reading culture among the young pupils.
“Despite the fact that we have myriads of challenges in the education sector, this library will enrich our children literacy levels and attract many pupils to schools,” mentioned Kiboi.

The principal further challenged parents to enrol all school going children to nearby institutions adding that the County government will fully support the needy and vulnerable ones.

“Under the able hands of governor Lusaka, the scholarship program is in full swing and no parent should shy away from taking their children to pursue education as it’s their basic right,” emphasized the principal.

Kiboi also took the opportunity to thank the County boss for nominating him to the Chief Officer position hoping that the Assembly will approve him in due course.

Also gracing the occasion were teachers and pupils from 10 primary schools within Elgon ward and 1 from Kimilili Sub County, head of Education in the region as well as parents.

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