Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Sued Over Controversial Remarks Against NIS Director General Noordin Haji


By Denis Wanyonyi 

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is facing legal action following statements he made against the National Intelligence Service (NIS) Director General, Noordin Haji. The remarks, made during a press conference on June 25, 2024, have sparked controversy and led to a lawsuit filed by activist Fredrick Bikeri.

Bikeri, represented by high court advocate Danstan Omari, argues that the Deputy President’s statements were untruthful, inciting, and unlawful, falling short of the expected standards for a public officer under Articles 73 and 75 of the Constitution, as well as the Leadership and Integrity Act. The lawsuit stems from Gachagua’s comments blaming Haji for the nationwide unrest over the proposed 2024 Finance Bill, which resulted in the deaths of more than 10 youths.

“The statements made by the 2nd Respondent during a press conference held on Wednesday, June 25, 2024, are misconceived, improper, untruthful, and unlawful. They were made with the intent to incite hatred against the concerned party and fall short of the standards expected from a public officer of his position as the Deputy President of Kenya,” Bikeri asserts in the court documents.

Bikeri further argues that the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) should investigate the utterances made by DP Gachagua. He emphasizes that the Deputy President’s comments were intended to discredit the offices of the Director of Public Prosecution and the NIS, constituting a breach of Article 10 of the Constitution, which outlines National Values and Principles.

In his press conference held in Mombasa, DP Gachagua called for the resignation of NIS Director General Noordin Haji, citing the need for a more competent individual to assume the position. This demand has been perceived as a significant escalation in the ongoing tensions surrounding the proposed finance bill and the resulting protests.

The lawsuit highlights the increasing scrutiny on public officials and their adherence to constitutional values and principles. As the legal proceedings unfold, the case will undoubtedly draw attention to the broader issues of leadership, integrity, and accountability within Kenya’s political landscape.

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