Enwealth Financial Services Hosts Kenya’s First Investment Expo for Retail Investors


Enwealth Managing Director Simon Wafubwa during the launch of the Uzima Trust Fund to guarantee a secured lifetime of financial wellbeing for loved once in case the dependent passes on. The event took place at Enweath offices on Ngong road on December 7, 2020. SALATON NJAU (NAIROBI)

·       Majority of Kenyans save between 6% – 15% concentrated in Saccos, employer pension schemes, and chamas.

·    Investment Expo is a response to the growing need for financial knowledge and enlightenment on diversified savings, investment, and retirement planning avenues.

Enwealth Financial Services is set to host Kenya’s first Investment forum targeting individuals in search of saving and investment knowledge and vehicles suited to their needs. This pioneering expo centered around the theme of Unpacking Financial Well-being aims to foster financial literacy, provide insights into investment opportunities, and bring together key players in the financial sector to empower individuals on their journey toward financial security.

The Investment Expo, set to take place on August 26, 2023, at the Enwealth Business Center off Ngong Road in Nairobi, is a platform that will engage participants in a comprehensive exploration of various saving and investment avenues such as pension plans, money market instruments, government securities, stocks, and other significant facets of financial planning

The exhibition comes at a time when Kenyans are struggling with diminishing disposable income as a result of rising inflation and higher deductions from their pay slips. As a result, many are struggling to meet current and future obligations and this will provide a unique opportunity to gain insights from experts and access valuable resources to make informed financial decisions.

A study carried out by Enwealth Financial Services and Strathmore University last year found 82% of Kenyans have always tried to save yet only 12% of the respondents have established a savings culture pointing to poor financial health due to low financial literacy levels. The survey also investigated the avenues Kenyans use for saving and investment where the most popular emerged to be Saccos at 24%, employer pension schemes at 20%, chamas, and table banking at 15%. Others were bank savings accounts, money markets funds, treasury bills and bonds, shares, and personal pension funds.

Mr. Simon Wafubwa, CEO of Enwealth Financial Services while announcing the expo noted: “There is a need for continuous financial literacy to increase awareness in savings and investments. The majority of Kenyans save between 6% – 15% of their income which is lower than the recommended minimum saving level of 20%. Comprehensive financial literacy programs are needed to boost savings and expose individuals to a wider variety of available investment avenues”.

“It is our commitment to enhance financial literacy and well-being of all Kenyans. The Expo is an essential event for those seeking to expand their financial knowledge, explore investment opportunities by visiting booths showcasing innovative financial products and services, network with experts in the financial industry, and get practical insights for optimizing their financial portfolios to improve their financial health,” Mr. Wafubwa added.

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