Fresh Twist in Land Saga Involviong SK Macharia


By  Tobby  Otum  

Auctioneers who executed court orders for Royal Media Service owner  Samuel Kamau Macharia to repossess one hectare of land in a boundary dispute in Kwale with a Polish investor are up in arms against the social media over her remarks.

The Five Eleven traders and auctioneers represented by Javan Ngunda showed documents contradicting claims by the owner of Sonrisa beach hotel Iwona Strezeleora who allegedly encroached on the disputed land in Msambweni constituency in Kwale county.

He insisted nothing is pending before the court arguing that the matter on the land dispute was closed.

Ngunda told Iwona to stop shedding crocodile tears and seeking cheap publicity while she is aware what transpired at the law courts in Kwale.

He was reacting to claims made by Iwona that the demolition of structures on the disputed land was illegal as she had obtained stay orders.

The Five Eleven traders and auctioneers representative said the court, upon hearing counsel Achieng who was holding brief for Mr Muchiri for his firm, had withdrawn the application dated 15 February with the file  being closed.

Ngunda explained after the Kwale court closed the matter SK also withdrew the case he had filed in the boundary land dispute.

He wondered at the intention of the social media in circulating lies instead of the truth in the saga.

“We are sure the intention  is to spread propaganda and a false narrative that the demolition was carried out without a valid court order,” he pointed out.

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