MPs now say KPA lands at ‘high’ risk of being grabbed by cartels

Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) lands are at a high risk of being grabbed by cartels.
Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairperson David Losiakou Pkosing has disclosed that the state corporation’s lands are under the risk of not only being grabbed by the cartels but other land grabbers also.
“The committee has not yet concluded its report but this disclosure is from its observations so far,” he pointed out.
Pkosing insisted that they have observed the fast disappearance of lands belonging to KPA despite efforts to recover them.
He was addressing the media after a two-day meeting with KPA management at Serena beach hotel in Mombasa county.
The PAC chairperson told journalists they are satisfied with the efforts being made by the state corporation to recover the lands.
Pkosing however argued the committee is perturbed by the slow pace in the repossession of the authority’s grabbed lands.
He pointed out that critical issues have emerged during their sitting with KPA top bass.
“We suspect the slow pace by the state corporation to repossess grabbed land is due to insiders who collaborate with the cartels,” he pointed out.
The committee chairman said they are suspicious of the delays emerging from the relevant authorities.
Pkosing who is Pokot South lawmaker maintained the lands belonging to the authority are at a high risk of being grabbed.
He said the committee has sent warning to Transport cabinet secretary Onesimus Kipchumba Murkomen and his Lands counterpart Alice Wahome and KPA top management to take caution on the lands.
“We have advised KPA to put a caveat on all the lands at their disposal,” he pointed out.

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