Murkomen Dismisses Claims That Kenyan Ports are Losing to Tanzania


The government has dismissed speculation that the port of Mombasa is under the threat of losing business.         

Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has defended efficiency at the port and refuted claims from critics.

He pointed out that the Kenya Kwanza administration is out to improve port efficiency for better services and dismissed negative social media reports.

“There is no way the port is losing to competitors as the government is determined to improve efficiency,” he added.

Murkomen said the government will ensure the port facility is ahead in efficiency for stakeholders to enjoy continuing to do business.  

He was speaking when he witnessed the offloading of the second ship-to-shore gantry crane along berth number 16 at the port of Mombasa in Mombasa county.

The CS added that the government is out to ensure the facility is the best in the continent where stakeholders can do business.      

Murkomen, who was a accompanied by Kenya Ports Authority [KPA] Managing Director Captain William Ruto and KPA board chairman Benjamin Tayari said he is confident the facility has excelled in the continent.

He urged the authority employees to ignore negative reports about the port performance and instead continue in improving the efficiency in operations.

“These new cranes, now poised to be strategically deployed at berth number 16, signify not just a mere upgrade but a calculated step forward in our journey,” he disclosed.

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