Stakeholders Urged to Shun Politicisation of Education Sector


The politicisation of the education sector has been cited a major cause for unrest and underperformance among many schools in the Mt Elgon region.

County Chief Officer for Education, Nicholas Kiboi, dissuaded parents and teachers from compromising their children’s education by fighting new school heads in the quest to maintain the status quo.

“Parents should offer unwavering support to teachers by ensuring they play their rightful role at home and school by providing basic needs to their children to ensure their comfort at school,” advised Kiboi.

Students have also been challenged to maintain discipline and focus on improving performance rather than mere shortcomings.

Speaking while addressing parents, teachers, and students of St. Mary’s Kibuk Girls High School in Mt. Elgon on Friday, Bungoma’s First Lady, Dr. Margaret Makelo, assured students that the challenges they’re facing are not unique to them but, however, together with other stakeholders, they’ll address the matters.

“Since 2020, we have had a downward trend of 5.4, 4.6, and 4.9; however, this year we are unrelentingly targeting a mean of 6.7, which if we join hands, the girls will attain and even surpass,” assured Ebby Wafula, the school principal.

Kibuk Girls, on the other hand, boasts of prominent alumni, including but not limited to Bungoma First Lady, Deputy Governor Janepher Mbatiany, and former nominated MCA Jane Chepkorom, among other dignitaries.

The AGM was gracefully adorned by other top county officials, among them Deputy Governor Janepher Mbatiany, area MCA George Kwemoi, Chief Officer for Environment Moses Sichei, and former nominated MCA Jane Chepkorom, among others.

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