What we can do to make Nairobi great again


A traffic jam in Nairobi, Kenya. The city is the world's fourth-most congested, far worse than any in the U.S.


In plans to deal with incessant traffic snarl ups in Nairobi, Governor Johnson Sakaja had talked of having an integrated mass transit plan that will incorporate smart solutions to decongest the city centre and subsequently reduce the time spent in traffic jams by 80 percent.This is key to progress that is much needed in Nairobi.


At the same time,we must provide adequate infrastructure for waste disposal by providing waste bins in both residential and commercial areas and also deal swiftly with corruption and conflict of interest in the waste management sector.


We should also consider investing in renewable power generation from solid waste to provide affordable electricity to homes and businesses.


To promote our education, all stakeholders from those handling the NG-CDF,county government and potential stakeholders must commit to introduce free school feeding programmes for all public primary schools ,enhance and make better bursary programmes to have more students enrolled.


We should also equip our vocational training centres into technical and skills hubs and ensure they are adequately funded and have modernized training equipment.


To grow our economy,we should and make easy acquisition of single business permit, build modern markets, establish a reliable and safe Fund to boost business start ups.Still on the same we must ensure youths and women have equal access to tenders at both at constituency, county amd national government level.


Nairobi is blessed with alot of talented people and we have no reason to fail investing heavily in promotion of sports and culture.Let us start by securing all public land for sports and supporting cultural activities in Nairobi and all it’s subcounties.


The bottom line is understajd that extreme poverty is the result of permanent or long lasting forms of injustices that undermine the capacity of individuals, families, communities and population groups to assume fundamental rights enshrined in the International Bill of Human Rights.


The poverty levels in this county cannot be overcome by material aid and capacity building alone, nor can poverty reduction initiatives be successful unless they are based on the recognition of the inherent dignity and on the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights preamble.


For any community to develop there must be proper engagement in the community, proper community work, leaders should work towards certain agenda and goals. Our children are suffering the wrath of poverty and their future remains uncertain because most families can’t afford school fees anymore.


Nairobi should go back to the basics and start solving it’s challenges from the community set up. By this, I mean investing more in social programs that target vulnerable households and individuals.


We must also put the government on toes for it to consider collaborating with other actors such as civil society, including community organizations and self-help groups, and the private sector among others to develop policies that will help in poverty elimination.

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