Kandara Residents Urge President Ruto to Resolve Land Dispute During U.S. Visit


Kandara Resident Association (KRA) has called upon President William Ruto to utilize his upcoming state visit to the United States as an opportunity to address the longstanding land dispute between the people of Murang’a and Kiambu counties and the multinational fruit processing giant, Del Monte.

The resolution of this issue, which has plagued the region for decades, is of paramount importance to the local community.

At the heart of the dispute lies the land that was acquired from residents in the 107as to make way for Del Monte’s extensive pineapple plantations. The forced eviction of residents from areas such as Madharau, Gachagi, Gatanga, Umoja, Makenji, and Nguthoro has left a legacy of bitterness and disenfranchisement among the affected communities.

In response to these historical injustices, victims organized under the Kandara Resident Association have sought legal recourse, filing lawsuits to compel Del Monte to relinquish control of the land.

The National Land Commission (NLC) has also recommended a resurvey of the land occupied by Del Monte, with excess portions slated for redistribution to the KRA and the county governments of Murang’a and Kiambu.

While commendable progress has been made in addressing these grievances, it is imperative to highlight the significance of resolving this issue. Providing land ownership to the affected communities would not only rectify past injustices but also foster economic development in the region. Land is a fundamental factor of production, and its redistribution would uplift the local economy, creating opportunities for sustainable growth and prosperity.

Furthermore, resolving the land dispute would help alleviate tensions between the local communities and Del Monte. Despite accusations of injustices, it is essential to recognize the company’s contribution to the local economy. Del Monte’s operations have been a vital source of employment, directly and indirectly benefiting over 20,000 individuals and families. The closure of Del Monte would have devastating consequences, exacerbating poverty and unemployment in the region.

President Ruto’s administration has demonstrated a commitment to fostering mutually beneficial partnerships between multinational corporations and local communities. His successful negotiations with Lipton Tea resulted in significant investments and job opportunities for Kenyan citizens. The residents of Kandara are hopeful that similar discussions will lead to a resolution of the land dispute with Del Monte during the President’s visit to Washington, DC.

The Kandara residents urge President Ruto to seize this opportunity to address the land issue decisively. Providing land to the victims of historical injustices will not only rectify past wrongs but also lay the foundation for a more equitable and prosperous future. The community remains confident in the President’s ability to deliver on his promise and bring closure to this longstanding dispute.

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