An ally of Kisii Governor James Ongwae has asked Interior and Coordination of National Government Cabinet Secretary to stop fighting the governor.

Taking to his social media accounts, Naftal Obwocha says Matiang’i should be told to stop fighting Ongwae who he says is the Azimio la Umoja Presidential Candidate pointman in Nyanza and Western regions.

Mr Obwocha reacts to Dr Matiang’is recent remarks in Nyaura where he threatened to arrest Kisii County MCAs for allegedly passing County Bills after the Assembly had adjourned.

Here is what Mr Obwocha posted;

Someone tell Fred Matiang’i that trying to fight Raila Odinga’s pointman in Nyanza and Western, James Ongwae is like poking his fingers into Raila’s eyes. Raila himself in his wisdom gave Ongwae a responsibility of leading his campaigns in Nyanza region together with ODM chairman John Mbadi. A duty they are executing excellently.

Matiang’i with all government mercenaries tried Ongwae in Nyacheki by-election, he FAILED terribly, Ongwae delivered that seat to ODM singlehandedly. Matiang’i tried Ongwae in Bonchari Constituency by-election, he FAILED. Ongwae delivered that seat to ODM singlehandedly again.

Matiang’i tried Ongwae during the impeachment of Kisii County Assembly Speaker. He FAILED terribly, Kombo went home unceremoniously. Matiang’i tried Ongwae recently by trying to use goons from Kawangware to disrupt Kisii County Assembly, he FAILED. The budget was passed peacefully.

Our dear Interior CS has now localised his wars instead of going and deal with bandits and terrorists disturbing our people in Baringo and Mandera. On this one of arresting Raila Odinga supporters in Kisii, I promise you that Matiang’i will still FAIL.

We will not allow anyone to disrupt Baba Raila Odinga’s votes in Gusii. Never!

On a different post, an equally hard hitting Mr Obwocha further accuses Dr Matiang’i of fueling Azimio fights in Kisii and Nyamira Counties, after he endorsed Kisii gubernatorial aspirant Simba Arati in a very controversial manner, despite saying in his speech that he is not meddling in the regions politics.

This is what Mr Obwocha had to say;

We already have enough fights in Azimio, both in Kisii and Nyamira, Dr. Fred Matiang’i you are just evil to come and fuel them.

He then went ahead to counter what Dr Matiang’i had said to the effect that the MCAs erred in what they did.

Below is what Mr Obwocha highlighted;

1. Budget

It is now clear that Simba Arati is indeed
profiling Mem
bers of County Assembly who do not support him.

H.E The Governor has a constitutional Mandate to prepare a Budget and submit it
to the County Assembly for approval

It is also a Constitutional prerogative of the Members of County Assembly to
pass the Budget and Approve Appointments.

The budget belongs to the people of Kisii County. It does not belong to the
Governor! It contains moneys for Staff salaries, County Projects, Supplies,
Hospitals drugs e.t.c.

A government institution can only procure drugs for example if it has a budget.
People will die without drugs. It can pay salaries if it has a budget.

The noise from Simba Arati about the budget is regrettable. It shows that he
does not understand budgeting and its importance. This is perhaps why people
keep abusing him of having fake academic qualifications.• The Government cannot
stop functioning because of politicking.

If he is so aggrieved, why can’t he wait until he takes over, if at all he
will, thenchange the budget.

This is a young man who is panicking because each day he blunders and has lost
ground.2. County Public Service Board Appointment

When the position of Chairperson and Member of Public Service Board fell
vacant, we interviewed and appointed a panel of professionals to interview
applicants for the vacant positions. The two appointees were the ones who were
successful in the interviews and we forwarded their names to the County
Assembly for approval.

I played my role as Governor according to the law.

The members of County Assembly approved the names because it is their
Constitutional Mandate. Nancy Nyamwange is our daughter from Nyaribari, married
at Bobasi. She qualified for the position and addresses the gender gap.

Does Arati have to fight her?!!!3. Memorandum on Marani and Magena Markets

For a person campaigning to be governor to oppose projects funded by donor
grants is the greatest shame of our times.

Why should Arati offer himself for leadership if he fights projects that help
the common mwananchi, especially the women of this County.

The County will not spend a single cent in the two projects and there is no
budget provision for those two projects.4. Members of County Assembly acting
within their mandate

The County Assembly calendar was running from 8th February, 2022 to 16th June,
2022. The effective date for adjourning sine die was 16th June, 2022. On
16thJune, 2022, the MCAs assembled in the Assembly, waited for the acting
Speaker, who did not show up. A member of the Speaker’s panel presided over the
business of the Assembly.

Earlier in mid-afternoon, the Leader of Majority convened the House Business
Committee which allotted time for the Budget, Memorandum on the two markets,
Public Service Appointments and Review of Standing Orders. This was the
business transacted on the last day of the calendar which was on 16th June,

So whatever information Simba Arati has is misleading and for a person of his
calibre to stand on a political podium to start shouting about the DCI and EACC
is unfortunate.

Our advice to Dr. Matiang’i is to stop misusing the DCI to investigate nothing.
The Members of County Assembly were in their work place, doing the work they
were elected to do.

Proceedings of the County Assembly are privileged. It is not true that by doing
their job, the Members of County Assembly broke any law or committed any crime
that would attract investigations

Everyday there are police officers in the Assembly to maintain law and order.

Finally, James Ongwae is retiring. Why can’t Arati engage in issue based
campaigns. What is his fear that he must mention Ongwae all over?!!


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