All Stalled Stadium Facilities to be Ready This Financial Year


The government has reiterated that all stalled stadium facilities will be ready during this financial year.

Parliamentary Committee on Sports and Culture chairman Daniel Wanyama said this is apart from Kamariny Stadium whose tender the government has re-advertised.

He said from a study carried out the facility in Elgeyo Marakwet County will be used for athletes’ training.

The place, he said, is at a high altitude and it is good for sports training and not for other purposes.

Wanyama defended the committee saying it is mandated to oversee the sports ministry with the view to ensure Kenyans get value for their money.

He was addressing the media after a presentation was made on Talanta Hela programme by Sports Principal Secretary Peter Tum at PrideInn Flamingo beach hotel in Nyali Constituency, Mombasa county.

The committee chairman told journalists there is light at the end of the tunnel with the ministry under the stewardship of  Cabinet  Secretary Ababu Namwamba.

Wanyama said this is when compared with those who held similar dockets in previous regimes.

He urged Kenyans to appreciate the good gesture of awarding excellence in sports men and women in  the country.

“We ask the media to at least highlight the good things the Kenya Kwanza administration is doing instead of focusing on negative issues which are against the government,” he pointed out.

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